Harvey WIlliams portrait

Harvey Williams papers


August 26, 1917

Dear Ma:-

Another letter from you today with Aunt Dorothy's letter and a list of things enclosed.

As usual, there is rather little to write about except that we did not move. We have been transferred to another section and are to remain here. However, the new division has a very good name and the general is the cousin of our French lieutenant.

I have had three very nice letters from Marj inside the last two weeks.

Yesterday chocolate and flypaper arrived and today milk. Condensed milk really isn't so very necessary as we get that from the section. Have I said that I have told Mr. Hyde I would stay another 3 months,- that is, till Jan. 28th. I did that almost as soon as I had read the letter in which you said I could stay as long as I was healthy.

As to what has been happening here lately, I might say nothing. The French have made an attack and gained something like 6 kilometers, I believe. That was in the next sector west of us, but we got a touch at the last post I wrote about when we were in the gas attack, etc. They have 6500 prisoners from that advance at a town near here and they say they must just have deserted in hordes.

Last night they had a concert here that I went to. We had all sorts of music, light comedy and Nat Wills stuff. Towards the end, a Bosche aeroplane came over and shot into streets with a machine gun. Of course, all lights were dowsed and we sat hoping he wouldn't take a shot at the house with a bomb. Luckily, he didn't. However, they bombed the neighborhood for some time - till about 1 A. M. and several times I thought they had hit in our front yard. There goes a shell into a town northwest of us about two kilometers. I hate to think what would have happened if a bomb had hit in there after seeing that platoon cut up by a bomb out at post. Well, this is about all - another shell just fell but I will write again soon. I am feeling fine except occasionally when the section takes a turn at kidding me for the number of packages I receive. However, they are all glad enough to eat the contents.
